Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Visit with my Sister, April 2006!

Well, I had a wonderful visit with my sister last weekend! I'm so sad to see her go. We spent a lot of time just BEING together, chatting, laughing, talking. We shopped. Boy, did we shop!

She surprised me with a new printer for an early birthday gift on Thursday. Then, Friday morning my computer crashed and died! We had not even installed or done anything to it except unplug it the night before when the storms started. Well, we tried to install a new hard drive, but THAT was not the (main) problem. Appears it is probably the Motherboard and/or the Power Supply. UGH. We took the new drive back, and my wonderful sister bought me a new computer! I am still in shock, amazement, and very, very grateful for a sweet and generous sister! My sister and I are very much alike, and she insisted on doing this because she knows how much I need my computer, it is my lifeline! I love my sister! I LOVE my sister! : D

My old hard drive is in the shop to see if they can recover data, and I believe they have done it. I'll be picking it up later today, after work. Otherwise, it would mean I lost all my Addresses, my Calendar, and worst of all, my Herbal Grimoire! ack!

One day, then, we will get the old computer in the shop and see if we can repair it. Then get a new drive. I still have a lot of data--almost all my data--on my Zip Disks, and that drive is in the old computer. If we are able to repair it cheaply enough, then we have a 2nd computer for Karl to play on, and perhaps even learn how to surf, etc.

Anyway, that is the news for now. Until I get the disks and confirm that they managed to save my Address book, I have no way to contact anybody. If you need to reach me, or would like to send my your address, please feel free. My address is the same.

Hugs and blessings to you all!


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