Saturday, April 01, 2006


Path descriptions

another post I made to the Iseum...

You know, M, I do use the word "Celtic" when I describe my path to someone. Only because it gives a description of where my heart is. To me, it does not mean I am traditionalist, nor tied only to the past, but it does tell someone that I follow the Celtic pantheon versus, say, the Egyptian. Why do I do this? I suppose it is a little way of giving of myself to someone, without having to go into a great deal of information. You know how I love a long story, and if you get me going, well, watchout. lol

However, to me, Celtic means all that I am in my spirit, a connection to my past, and an encompassing of my present. I suppose that I don't have to do this, and sometimes I wonder when I'm typing it out "Celtic Goddess Hearth Witch" why I have to say it at all. But, I do, and I think this little description I created pretty much says it all--I am a daughter of the Goddess, I am a hearth witch in every sense, and I follow Celtic ways. To me this includes my searching for Avalon, for Bride's well, for the cauldron of Cerridwen, for the birds and forests of Rhiannon, for the rivers and green hills of Danu, for the stars in Arianrhod's wheel, and the spiral of life that is Branwen's wheel. So, I guess that is why I do describe myself as Celtic, and it brings to me a sense of continuity,

Yet, I understand what you mean when you say you realize you needn't do it any longer, also. I think for each of us, we do what feels right at the time, what is meaningful. This is what matters--to do what feels right in your heart, and your spirit.

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