Sunday, January 01, 2006


Brigid Calls

Lately I have been feeling very withdrawn, as usual for me during the late autumn and winter months. I've been reading--for fun but for inspiration and renewal as well.

I have been hearing Brigid's call again, and being drawn back into her fold. I think I have never really left her, in my heart, but have been exploring others over the years as well.

Yet, my hearthfire and my home workings bring me back full circle into the warmth of Brigid's fire, into her circle.

A dear friend has begun a group to honor Brid, and I have joined. I hope to learn to be a flamekeeper for her--in an official capacity. I think this will strengthen and rejuvenate my link to Her.

Inspiration is what I have been wanting of late, and I know that Brigid will spark that flame.

So, Lady, I am grateful for your welcome home, and I gladly accept your offerings of warmth, comfort, healing.

Hail Brigid!

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