Thursday, January 26, 2006


Imbolc Dedication

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I wanted to share some exciting news with you. This Imbolc, which is fast-approaching, I will be dedicating myself to Brigid. In the past, I have dedicated to the Great Mother Goddess and have also given my pledge to Hecate, not to mention re-dedication to the Goddess. Though I've followed and worked with other Goddesses, the face which has always been closest to me is Brigid. This will be the first time that I pledge specifically to Her. I will be pledging myself to Her service, and reaffirming my committment to my path. What I hope to gain is a stronger connection (though I admit I feel it is a strong connection already) with the Goddess. I have yet to sit and write out a meaningful dedication, but will do that this weekend, as well as set my altar and the rite.

Since early in my path, the hearth has always been a central focus and theme, though for a few years I had gotten away from that, unintentionally. I feel that by dedicating to Brigid now, I will be uniting all the parts of my path into a cohesive and connected whole. I believe that my natural magick (herbalism, stone work, ocean magick, fey magick, etc.) are all part of my cottagey-hearthy home. Now they will be unified even more.

Now, of course this does not mean I will forsake any associations with other Goddesses when the need or connection arises, but to me it shows that I am making a formal pledge, formal acknowledgment of my respect and also giving my gratitude to Brigid for the gifts I have and will receive. I hope to receive the creative inspiration I so often need, as well as the energy of the flame, the guidance with my healing work, and the strength of Brigid's firey spirit.

Anyway, I am looking forward to this, and am very excited to have finally decided to take this step. I have not set my meal plans in place for that night. It is a weekday and I will have to work both on Imbolc-eve and Imbolc-day. I think I'll ask my hubby to make a potato soup and we can have a salad. Something simple, with dairy, greens, and bread. Sounds good, huh?

I will also become a flamekeeper for Brigid, as part of a cill with others. This means that on a given day of a cycle I will have the honor of lighting Brigid's flame and keeping it going in her name! This is very special to me, and I am very grateful to be a part of this special rite.

I hope all of you have a blessed Imbolc! May inspiration shine upon you all!

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Brigid Calls

Lately I have been feeling very withdrawn, as usual for me during the late autumn and winter months. I've been reading--for fun but for inspiration and renewal as well.

I have been hearing Brigid's call again, and being drawn back into her fold. I think I have never really left her, in my heart, but have been exploring others over the years as well.

Yet, my hearthfire and my home workings bring me back full circle into the warmth of Brigid's fire, into her circle.

A dear friend has begun a group to honor Brid, and I have joined. I hope to learn to be a flamekeeper for her--in an official capacity. I think this will strengthen and rejuvenate my link to Her.

Inspiration is what I have been wanting of late, and I know that Brigid will spark that flame.

So, Lady, I am grateful for your welcome home, and I gladly accept your offerings of warmth, comfort, healing.

Hail Brigid!

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