Tuesday, August 02, 2005



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A friend shared this exercise from a book she owns, and I thought I'd like to do the exercises here. Thanks, Sheuba!

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt

Journal exercise: If you were living your dream life, how would it be different? What do you see yourself doing?

In my dream-life, I would be an accomplished artisan in several areas of textile arts. Besides the beading and quilting that I love, I would really like to learn and become proficient in several different fiber and earthy arts. I have always wanted to loom weave, spin, embroider, and also hand-quilt. I would love to learn the art of the potter's wheel, and work with the clay to create. I would love to learn the art of silversmithing, and create jewelry and other items.

I would love to live in a cottage and have a wonderful herb garden, veggie garden, and be proficient as an herbalist/healer. This cottage would have a huge walk-in sized hearth, wooden floors, lots of cabinetry, workspace, and cozy nooks for sitting and reading. A pantry, too, of course! Don't forget the storage for fabric and herbs, and beads, and books......and everything! ; )

I would love to live in a community where we all worked together and shared a communal hearth and spiritual life.

I know that i have doubts about my own abilities in many of these areas, and perhaps if my life situation were different I would not be fearful to try some of these things. I know that I should be more diligent in my garden, for example. However, I really hate weeding, and don't spend time doing it as much as I should. I have fears of not being good enough in some of the arts I have mentioned, and know that in many ways I am a perfectionist, my own worst critic. Yet, I would love to try.

I think that part of my dream includes being financially independent, and I would be lying if I didn't admit that. Having the finances needed to support my family and allowing me to pursue the activities I've mentioned.

I think I have always wanted to be a little woman in the country cottage who spent time with her arts. I am not sure this is something I would really ever be able to do, but I can always dream!

Well, that is it for now.......

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