Saturday, August 20, 2005


Prosperity Workings

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I have been doing some prosperity workings over the last week-and-a-half, and wanted to record them here. I really feel that my actions helped to maintain a positive atmosphere within our home, and help to allay the depression that might otherwise set in. You see, my husband was laid off of his job unexpectedly. He has been so positive about this being the opportunity he has been asking for and I do hope he finds something both more satisfying and compensable at a decent wage.

Here is the spell I wrote, and the incense and charms I created for my workings. I hope that you find them useful, should you try them, too.

Here is the charm spell I wrote....

By the light of the Waxing Moon
May abundance and prosperity fill this room.
Aided by herbs and coins and stones,
let this spell empower our hearth and home.
Great Goddess please grant our simple request,
as we strive to bring about its success.

and then after several repetitions while I made incense, or crafted the amulet, and when I was done, I closed the spell with this verse:

I end this charm, respectfully,
as I do will, SO MOTE IT BE!

A simple charm from a simple hearth-witch.


The incense I made was of the following herbs
(equal parts or as near as possible):

Basil, Whole Cloves (ground), Lemon Balm, Sage, St. John's Wort (powdered), Nutmeg, Poppy Seeds, Lemon Verbena. As I ground them (under the waxing moon on a Thursday night) I chanted "abundance, prosperity".

Amulet Charm:

I cut a circular piece of green cloth (mine had sunflowers on it, too) and snipped holes all around the edge to string a ribbon through (I had a purple ribbon). I put a mixture of herbs (Basil, Cinnamon stick, Sage) and also some Coins, some Quartz and Malachite stones, and annointed it all with Basil Oil. I made the charm during the Meditation part of my ritual on Sunday. I am carrying it with me in my purse. Not only will it bring me prosperity, but it smells wonderful, and so does my purse!

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Blessing for the Hearthkeepers

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Blessing for Hearth-Keepers
by Caitlin Matthews

Brighid of the Mantle, encompass us,
Lady of the Lambs, protect us,
Keeper of the Hearth, kindle us.
Beneath your mantle, gather us,
And restore us to memory.

Mother of our mothers,
Foremothers strong,
Guide our hands in yours,
Remind us how
To kindle the hearth,
To keep it bright,
To preserve the flame.
Your hands upon ours,
Our hands within yours,
To kindle the light,
Both day and night.

The Mantle of Brighid about us,
The Memory of Brighid within us,
The Protection of Brighid keeping us
From harm, from ignorance, from heartlessness,
This day and night,
From dawn till dark,
From dark till dawn.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Song of the Goddess

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Song of the Goddess

By Scott Cunningham

I am the Great Mother, worshipped by all creation and existent prior
to their consciousness.
I am the primal female force, boundless and eternal.

I am the chaste Goddess of the Moon, the Lady of all magic.
The winds and moving leaves sing my name.
I wear the crescent Moon upon my brow and my feet rest among the
starry heavens.
I am mysteries yet unsolved, a path newly set upon.
I am a field untouched by the plow.
Rejoice in me and know the fullness of youth.

I am the blessed Mother, the gracious Lady of the harvest.
I am clothed in the deep, cool wonder of the Earth and the gold of
the fields heavy with grain.
By me the tides of the Earth are ruled; all things come to fruition
according to my season.
I am refuge and healing.
I am the life giving Mother, wondrously fertile.

I am the Crone, tender of the unbroken cycle of death and rebirth.
I am the wheel, the shadow of the Moon.
I rule the tides of the oceans and of women and men.
I give release and renewal to weary souls.

I am the Goddess of the Moon, the Earth, the Seas.
My names are many, yet know that by all names I am the same.
I pour forth insight, peace, wisdom and understanding.
I am the eternal Maiden, Mother of all, and Crone of reckoning,
and I send you blessings of limitless love.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005



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A friend shared this exercise from a book she owns, and I thought I'd like to do the exercises here. Thanks, Sheuba!

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt

Journal exercise: If you were living your dream life, how would it be different? What do you see yourself doing?

In my dream-life, I would be an accomplished artisan in several areas of textile arts. Besides the beading and quilting that I love, I would really like to learn and become proficient in several different fiber and earthy arts. I have always wanted to loom weave, spin, embroider, and also hand-quilt. I would love to learn the art of the potter's wheel, and work with the clay to create. I would love to learn the art of silversmithing, and create jewelry and other items.

I would love to live in a cottage and have a wonderful herb garden, veggie garden, and be proficient as an herbalist/healer. This cottage would have a huge walk-in sized hearth, wooden floors, lots of cabinetry, workspace, and cozy nooks for sitting and reading. A pantry, too, of course! Don't forget the storage for fabric and herbs, and beads, and books......and everything! ; )

I would love to live in a community where we all worked together and shared a communal hearth and spiritual life.

I know that i have doubts about my own abilities in many of these areas, and perhaps if my life situation were different I would not be fearful to try some of these things. I know that I should be more diligent in my garden, for example. However, I really hate weeding, and don't spend time doing it as much as I should. I have fears of not being good enough in some of the arts I have mentioned, and know that in many ways I am a perfectionist, my own worst critic. Yet, I would love to try.

I think that part of my dream includes being financially independent, and I would be lying if I didn't admit that. Having the finances needed to support my family and allowing me to pursue the activities I've mentioned.

I think I have always wanted to be a little woman in the country cottage who spent time with her arts. I am not sure this is something I would really ever be able to do, but I can always dream!

Well, that is it for now.......

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