Wednesday, July 13, 2005



Full Moon Harvest


© June, 2004

It was a time of heat and bright skies, when the air was so heavy with moisture that you could see it shimmering. If you breathed in too deeply, you might drown! At least, that’s how it felt to you, then. Marching down the rows picking weeds, hoeing the earth. Planting the crop, ensuring its success. It was hard work, but you kept on going knowing you were doing an important job, knowing what would come after, the way you would feel--so happy, so tired, and so giddy when you were done. It was important, because it would ensure the crop for the coming harvest.

You remember the cool mornings and how eagerly you went forth each day, working in this field or that plot, until coming home was the only thing you could think of at day’s end. Coming home to your family’s dwelling, where you would be welcomed, cared for, and honored for the good, hard work you had done. It was worth the effort, to have a good meal and laughter with the family, to enjoy being and not moving.

Those days seemed interminable, each day running into the next. But it was the way of life for you. This is what you knew. You remember how you could see your skin darkening in the sun, you could feel the muscles strengthening in your legs and arms. You knew you were lean and firm as the earth, yet supple and yielding if need be.

Yet, the time has come when that daily toil lessened, and became another. This new activity will still take you daily into the fields, but rather than nurturing growth, your efforts will be of a different sort. Now, you know you will gather and glean the product of your earlier labor. The first of many such events, you know at the end of this, the first harvest, you will enjoy a celebration with family, with friends.

What is most special for you is that you are pulling the first of the crop tonight, a representative harvest beneath the full moon with the blessing of the Goddess. You have evoked the Great Mother, inviting her to share in this special event, paying her respect and giving her thanks for the life that is the grain, the life that is so abundant around you. Beneath the full moon, you can pour your heart out to Her, honoring Her as you have longed to do since your work began. Dancing to Her in the fields, rejoicing in Her gift of life.

Now you feel fulfilled, you see the fruit of your labors, you feel the abundance around you, and you can taste and draw in the nourishment that is the gift you have been given, here, under the harvest moon.

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