Sunday, June 05, 2005


Today went differently...

...than I had planned. I was online chatting and reading email, then went outside for awhile. I took my camera to take photos of my garden to share. That was all fine and wonderful. The rain was wonderful, too.

This afternoon I was on here again, and thought I would just quickly upload my photos...well it seems that my photo program must be having a problem. Or, and this just came to me, perhaps the disk is full. Well, in any case, I spent the entire afternoon trying different ways to save and share my photos. Even to the point of having to re-photograph some of the flora because it was deleted.

After much frustration, I decided to try uploading to my online album DIRECTLY from my camera. Lo! and Behold! IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!

So, dear friends, please peruse the link below and see what this hearthkeeper's garden looks like. The herbs all voluntarily returned this year (I expected the mint to), but I hope to plant more...if it works out.

Many of my flowers are not yet in bloom, and some have already finished blooming. Our veggie garden is young but doing really well considering it is only June 5th. We planted early this year. Last year we planted late--3rd week of June. We did not want to make that mistake again! lol

So, please visit my album and enjoy your stroll. If you have any problems, please let me know!

I didn't get any beading done today, but think I am ready for a much needed break. Time to return to the hearth and prepare a meal....and enjoy the company of my husband.

Have a wonderful week, everyone!

Hugs, Moonchild

What a gorgeous garden! So beautiful! Loved seeing all your pics.
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