Saturday, February 04, 2006


Dedicaton to Brigid

I dedicated myself to Brigid last night, 1/31/06!! I think it went really well, and I know Brigid was with me. I invited the Elementals to guard my circle, then called upon the three realms in the Celtic fashion--Land, Sea, Sky, and lit candles for them and for the fire of inspiration. I invited Brigid and three other Goddesses (Danu, Boann, Cerridwen) as witnesses to my rite. I raised energy by chanting the names of all four Goddesses together (Danu-Brigid-Boann-Cerridwen) as I spun and spiraled, and that was wonderful, I could feel the energy in the air and in myself! Then, I performed my dedication to Brigid, and it felt so right, so wonderful, so meaningful. I felt tears well up, but they did not overflow. I followed it up with a meditation journey to meet Brigid at her forge, beginning with fire-gazing into the flame. It was a nice journey, but not a deep meditation. Still, it was relaxing and heartwarming and I enjoyed it. Next was the "tea and cakes" portion of my rite, and I blessed the food and offerings, and shared it with the Goddesses. At the end of the night, I put out the Goddess’ portion of my offerings (bread and dairy-butter, cream cheese, ricotta cheese!) out for the traveling host or the fae or the critters (whichever), and I looked this morning and they did eat it. I love that! It means to me that Brigid, and the fae, were near. I closed my rite with gratitude to the Goddesses and the Elementals. Overall, I think it was a wonderful evening, and I really enjoyed the rite. A little bit of structure but still enough freedom for me to improvise as felt right!

Earlier last night, before my rite, I said a “farewell” at the back door to the Samhain quarter of the year, and this morning a greeting to the Imbolc quarter at the front door! I had placed my cloth out for Brigid’s blessing last night, and brought it in this morning. Now it is blessed for working with and healing over the year—it is my “Brigid’s Mantle”.

I let my inspiration candle burn all the way out, but the realm candles for the land, sea, and sky and my own flame did not burn completely out. Since they are ‘realm” or “personal” I don’t think it will matter and I can use them again tonight or soon.

Also tonight, Imbolc night, I light my Brigid’s Flame for the first time in conjunction with our cill "BridsCall". I'm excited and love the verse we have chosen to say together. Then I will be on rotation and my first solo lighting will be on Saturday. But tonight the entire group will be lighting them for Imbolc. I’ll do it from Sunset – until I go to bed. After all, the flame still burns in my heart, too.

I’m really excited and feel good that I did this. It just feels right. It is like an acknowledgment of what I am and have been all along. I know I’ve dedicated before (to the Mother Goddess) and that dedication is still valid and true. But this is the first time to a Matron Goddess with whom I have a real soul connection. I once made vows to Hecate, but not a full dedication. Again, tonight's rites will not impinge upon those older that I have done, but instead will add to me and strengthen my bond with Goddess and Spirit.

I am very pleased and happy that I made my dedication, and I know that it is right for me. I may share my dedication vows later, but for now, this is a good description of the night.

Blessings to all, and Blessed Imbolc!

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